Articles and podcasts on addiction, recovery, twelve steps, spirituality and more.

Alcoholic beverages are not required for any social gathering, but you should have some fun alternatives. Holiday mocktails and drink alternatives are a great way to go.

When family members are concerned about a loved one’s alcohol or other drug use, they often do the wrong things.


How to handle the ups and downs of early recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. Perseverance in action.

Jeff Jay on CNN

Jeff Jay was seen on CNN discussing addiction and the family. Hosts Briana Keiler and Boris Sanchez interviewed Jeff…

Dr Tan show with Jeff Jay and Debra Jay

Alcohol and drug intervention was the subject of an in-depth interview with Dr. Taz. Jeff and Debra Jay shared specific strategies families can use to help their addicted loved one accept treatment.

It Takes a Family by Debra Jay now available on Audible

Debra Jay’s best-selling book, It Takes a Family, is now available as an audiobook.

I know I need to quit drinking, but the AA Big Book isn’t helping me. What should I do?

I hate growth: a guide to change, by Jeff Jay

Change is necessary, they say, but sometimes I just don’t like it.

Hands down, the most professional, content rich training I have ever attended. -Helen Parker, PhD

Clinical intervention training in the Love First model. Five days with Jeff and Debra Jay, in person.

Family is primordial. It defines us. It is who we belong to and who belongs to us. … Addiction changes that.

Kids can't do it alone

My grandchildren are suffering because their parents are addicted. What can I do?

He was only drinking and smoking weed, but he had terrible consequences.


Acceptance isn’t resignation. Instead, it serves as a starting point for transformation and healing.

Alcoholism is a thief because it takes so much from us mentally, physically, and spiritually. It is cruel thief.

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