How to handle the ups and downs of early recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. Perseverance in action.

Debra Jay’s best-selling book, It Takes a Family, is now available as an audiobook.

Change is necessary, they say, but sometimes I just don’t like it.

He was only drinking and smoking weed, but he had terrible consequences.

Acceptance isn’t resignation. Instead, it serves as a starting point for transformation and healing.

Real stories of families struggling with addiction who found happiness again.

Children suffer silently when a parent is addicted, yet they are often forgotten. Jerry Moe has been at the forefront of helping the children of addicted families for decades.

Creative ways lower-cost treatment can provide excellent programs. Two treatment experts share their wisdom, offering hope for families and clients. Jim Balmer, co-founder of the Dawn Farm treatment program and Anna Byberg, clinical director, and incoming president of Dawn Farm.

Discernment begins with a dilemma. What should I do? Discernment is also the way out of the dilemma, a method for discovering the way forward.

What remains when we find ourselves in the well of despair—when all is lost? We see no way out of the darkness, no glimmer of light to guide us.

John Curtiss is CEO and co-founder of The Retreat, in Wayzata, MN. The Retreat is the most admired twelve step immersion program in the country.

John Driscoll, senior VP of Recovery Services at the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, began his career working with homeless addicted women and their children at St. Martin de Porres House of Hope, in Chicago. Listen to his fascinating story.