Family is primordial. It defines us. It is who we belong to and who belongs to us. … Addiction changes that.

Research continues to show a strong link between cancer and alcohol. New studies demonstrate that alcoholics are not the only ones who need to be concerned. In fact, the latest numbers are startling.

Al-Anon info, videos and PDF

What we mean by “family recovery” is that when you love someone struggling with addiction you cannot help but feel the impact of their pain.

Discernment begins with a dilemma. What should I do? Discernment is also the way out of the dilemma, a method for discovering the way forward.

What remains when we find ourselves in the well of despair—when all is lost? We see no way out of the darkness, no glimmer of light to guide us.

A newly released study shows that AA is a highly effective treatment, and in most cases, it is more effective than other methods.

Every fall I feel a renewed sense of gratitude for the people who helped me get sober. I wasn’t looking for help, so their job wasn’t easy. Fortunately, my resistance didn’t stop them from taking action—repeatedly. And for that, I am deeply grateful.

Spiritual unmanageability grows out of physical and emotional unmanageability, and it is the most pernicious. Where is mercy? Where is love?

Search engines offer little help for families who want to help their addicted loved one. Where can you turn?

Dr. Michael Parr, M.D., a clinical interventionist with Love First, recently had major back surgery. Again. While healing, he found that no one would prescribe the needed pain medication. Dr. Parr is a chronic pain specialist and he is a Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Here is the story of his ordeal in late 2018.

What do addiction recovery and religious conversion have in common? How do the Twelve Steps help prevent relapse? What makes them so effective?

People often ask us: “What’s the most dangerous drug these days?” Looking at the headlines, you might expect the answer to be an opiate like heroin, or a synthetic opiate like oxycontin, fentanyl or vicodin. But you would be wrong.