Joseph Campbell was an influential thinker, weaving together the stories of many cultures into a seamless narrative. His most famous book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, demonstrated that the travails of our individual lives and the teachings of the world’s great religions have a lot in common—namely struggle, divine help (usually disguised), and deliverance.
Here is a PDF of an article I wrote for Human Development magazine. The article begins on page 8. Addiction and Redemption, by Jeff Jay The article contains some material from my book, Navigating Grace. It also contains material on Steps 1–5. I hope you’ll pass it on. –Jeff Jay Jay2016-09-16 01:25:102022-01-11 09:47:49Addiction and Redemption: The Way Out
Dear Jeff and Debra, My wife has an alcohol problem, and she knows it. She’s admitted she’s an alcoholic. After trying to quit on her own, she tried going to a few AA meetings, but nothing seems to work. I don’t know how to help her. She’s tried everything. What do you suggest? Jay & Debra Jay Jay & Debra Jay2016-08-02 15:51:092022-01-11 09:48:31Why isn’t AA helping?
The legendary Jerry McDonald of Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, interviewed Debra Jay about her book, “It Takes a Family.” Debra was presenting on the topic of Structured Family Recovery™ and the best methods to increase family involvement and improve treatment outcomes. Jay Jay2016-08-01 01:31:392018-07-19 16:16:57Debra Jay interviewed at the Women’s Symposium
Dear Jeff and Debra, My husband went to treatment, but he started drinking again after he got home. He was only there nine days, but it didn’t seem to help at all. What can we do? I’m so frustrated!
I’m doing a new series of articles for Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation called “Inside the Twelve Steps.” The first article is now available online (free, of course). Inside Step One: Hope you enjoy it! Jay Jay2015-10-29 16:20:112020-10-12 15:40:30A Power Greater Than Myself Jay Jay2015-02-10 19:40:382020-10-12 15:44:11John Oliver on Big Pharma Jay & Debra Jay Jay & Debra Jay2015-01-18 19:45:352021-12-20 21:37:49Helping Our Son E. Jay E. Jay2014-10-09 19:56:432021-12-20 21:38:03Recreational Pot Smokers Change Their Brains Jay Jay2014-09-29 20:02:142020-10-12 15:41:44Structured Family Recovery™ Book Available Now
The Hero’s Journey
Joseph Campbell was an influential thinker, weaving together the stories of many cultures into a seamless narrative. His most famous book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, demonstrated that the travails of our individual lives and the teachings of the world’s great religions have a lot in common—namely struggle, divine help (usually disguised), and deliverance.
Addiction and Redemption: The Way Out
Here is a PDF of an article I wrote for Human Development magazine. The article begins on page 8. Addiction and Redemption, by Jeff Jay The article contains some material from my book, Navigating Grace. It also contains material on Steps 1–5. I hope you’ll pass it on. –Jeff
Why isn’t AA helping?
Dear Jeff and Debra, My wife has an alcohol problem, and she knows it. She’s admitted she’s an alcoholic. After trying to quit on her own, she tried going to a few AA meetings, but nothing seems to work. I don’t know how to help her. She’s tried everything. What do you suggest?
Debra Jay interviewed at the Women’s Symposium
The legendary Jerry McDonald of Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, interviewed Debra Jay about her book, “It Takes a Family.” Debra was presenting on the topic of Structured Family Recovery™ and the best methods to increase family involvement and improve treatment outcomes.
Treatment Didn’t Work?
Dear Jeff and Debra, My husband went to treatment, but he started drinking again after he got home. He was only there nine days, but it didn’t seem to help at all. What can we do? I’m so frustrated!
Inside Step One
I’m doing a new series of articles for Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation called “Inside the Twelve Steps.” The first article is now available online (free, of course). Inside Step One: Hope you enjoy it!
The Unexpected Gift
Imagine a young woman, about sixteen years old, living in a conservative religious community, and discovering she’s pregnant.
A Power Greater Than Myself
London calling
John Oliver on Big Pharma
Helping Our Son
Boomers and Addiction
Recreational Pot Smokers Change Their Brains
Structured Family Recovery™ Book Available Now
Modeling Adulthood