12Care Testimonials

The results of our 12Care Mentoring have been remarkable.

The vast majority – up to 90% – of 12Care participants are still clean and sober after one year. Here is an actual letter from a 12Care client addressed to one of our recovery mentors.

“As I near my one year anniversary in sobriety, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your good service, when you came to Singapore to guide me back into the real world after being in treatment. Your guidance over a range of  concerns was of great comfort and considerable value to both myself and my family. Having left the rehab center as a newly minted member of the sober fraternity, I very much needed a mentor to help me get connected to AA and overcome the many fears that men in early sobriety face. You sir, served the role of mentor with distinction. Even today, my mates in AA remember with fondness your attendance in the rooms (and outdoor cafes), chuckling at your good shares and humor.

“While I had some experience in AA prior to going to rehab, it was with your assistance that I was able to establish a real connection with my local group that has since expanded to a network of AA friends in Beijing, Hong Kong, London, the US and Indonesia. My friends in rehab have had something of a mixed record of success since they re-entered the real world. Those that availed themselves of the considerable resources around AA including working with people such as yourself have thrived. While those who have tried to go it alone have inevitably struggled. I think the strongest testament for the value of the work that you do is seen in the great progress I have made in sobriety thanks in part to your efforts.

“One of my favorite passages in the Big Book (which incidentally I am reading on my iPad while on a flight thanks to a tip from you) is the promises, which talks about the progress and bright hope that lies ahead for those that are painstaking when it comes to their early development and willing to work in their sobriety. Well the promises have come true for me and the future is indeed bright. I thank you for your painstaking efforts to help me get on my path of spiritual progress and a better life.”

Your friend, GK, Singapore

“The Love First mentor program helped me make the critical adjustment from in-patient treatment to participating in the recovery community at home. My mentor had extensive knowledge of life in sobriety and was able to help me through personal discussion about my recovery issues, while accompanying me to AA meetings and helping me find a sponsor. My decision to participate in the Love First program was the right investment for my future.”
–Joe G., Cincinnati, OH

“I was determined that round two of the rehab return for my husband was going to be different.  This time I felt that not only did my loved one need a mentor, but so did the family.  That is why I encouraged my husband to accept mentoring from Love First for his transistion after rehab.

“From the moment I first spoke to his mentor, I knew he was caring, he would listen and would offer guidance.”

 “In a time when our family was in turmoil, he was someone that we all could turn to that would offer both my husband and I as well as our adult children support, as our family embraced a life of sober living.  For two weeks he stayed nearby and encouraged my husband to attend various AA meetings in our area in order to help him identify with a home group that spoke the true AA message and to find a sponsor in whom my husband felt confident.  He also encouraged me to attended many Alanon meetings in our area until I found a group that I myself  felt fellowship with.

“At the end of his stay, he and my husband outlined a relapse plan that was presented to our family.   This was extremely comforting to our family because at the end of the mentoring process we now felt that we have a solid plan of recovery ahead with great support and finally a good foundation to build upon.  Thank you Love First!”

–Tracy G., North Carolina

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