Recovery Mentoring

Could you learn to swim from a book?
Or would you rather have someone get in the pool
and show you?

12 Months of Mentoring, Monitoring and Structured Family Recovery®

The majority of people who complete treatment relapse within one year. But nearly 90% of licensed professionals, like lawyers, doctors and airline pilots, are still clean and sober after one year. What makes the difference?

Licensed professionals participate in mentoring and monitoring programs provided by their licensing agencies. They are personally guided through every phase of the recovery process and they are continually monitored to encourage compliance.

12CARE improves on this concept and makes it available to everyone. We have recruited and trained a team of Recovery Mentors, family counselors and therapists to provide personal support and guidance. Our hands-on approach provides help for both the family and the newly recovery individual.

12CARE has three components:

  • Recovery Mentoring for the patient

    1-to-1 support and guidance for entering the local recovering community.

  • Recovery Monitoring for the patient (and family)

    Random screening to rebuild trust and reward success.

  • Structured Family Recovery for everyone

    Expert guidance for bringing the whole family into recovery.

Each component lasts 12 months. Any component can be purchased individually or as part of the comprehensive clinical service. All services will be individualized.

A recovery mentoring and monitoring program provides essential support and case management designed to prevent relapse. Working closely with newly recovering alcoholics and addicts, we teach success. From the moment they leave treatment until they’re working independently with a sponsor in A.A., we provide the support necessary to achieve long-term sobriety.

Acting as guide and confidant, the mentor shows the alcoholic or addict how to work a program of recovery, helps him or her engage with other recovering people, and starts the process of living in the solution. A recovery mentor is skilled at overcoming the common resistance to attending A.A. meetings and participating in outside activities.

A mentor begins by attending 12-Step meetings with the alcoholic. Many newly sober people won’t attend alone because they feel uncomfortable, or they have previous negative experience. A mentor helps the newly sober addict choose a home group. Together, they will do reading and writing assignments, discuss the steps, read A.A. materials, and prepare the alcoholic to work with an A.A. sponsor.

Additionally, mentors can help family members get started in Al-Anon, the Twelve-step program for family and friends of alcoholics and addicts. Making a decision to go to an Al-Anon meeting can be as difficult for family members as deciding to go to A.A. is for the alcoholic. Mentoring programs are designed to fit the needs of the individual. The Family Counselor is trained at addressing issues common to families dealing with chemical dependency and dual diagnosis. This is accomplished through Structured Family Recovery.

recovery mentoring and sober coaching

Program Details

The majority of people who complete treatment relapse within one year. But over 90% of licensed professionals, like lawyers, doctors and airline pilots, are still clean and sober after one year. What makes the difference?

Licensed professionals are mandated into mentoring and monitoring programs by their licensing agencies. They are personally guided through every phase of the recovery process and they are continually monitored to discourage relapse.

12CARE improves on these programs and makes them available to non-licensed individuals and their families. We have recruited and trained a select team of Recovery Mentors, family counselors and therapists to provide personal support and guidance. Our hands-on approach provides help for both the family and the newly recovery individual, even before they return home from treatment.

Recovery mentoring for the patient

A recovery mentor works closely with the newly-recovering person in the first crucial days after treatment, introducing them to the local recovering community and building the structure that will sustain them in the months and years to come.

  • accompany to 12-step meetings
  • identify sponsor and home group
  • volunteer service work
  • implement aftercare plan
  • relapse prevention strategies
  • develop a daily recovery routine

Read our Testimonials

Recovery Mentoring Workbook

An eighty-four page book written by Debra Jay to guide the newly-recovering person, focusing on daily assignments, relapse triggers and recovery strategies.

  • extension of clinical treatment methods
  • daily reading and writing assignments
  • recovery skill building
  • relapse prevention exercises

Monitoring for Success

A program of accountability that reinforces success, rebuilding trust between patient and family. Comprehensive monitoring of aftercare compliance and random drug screening.

  • 12-step meeting attendance
  • aftercare counseling
  • medical/psychological follow-up
  • random drug screens
  • building accountability

Relapse Agreement

Love First staff will facilitate a meeting between family members and patient to develop a detailed written plan, which will be implemented in the event of relapse.

  • staff, family and patient participate
  • agreement on consequences
  • detox/treatment to follow
  • structured aftercare plan

Structured Family Recovery®

We have experienced family therapists who can address the toughest family issues and help bring resolution to strained relationships. We specialize in healing.

  • on-site or phone consultation
  • help with codependency issues
  • recovery and relapse strategies
  • rebuild family relationships
  • stress reduction skills

Read our Testimonials

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