• Clinical case management helps rebuild trust

Recovery Support Services

& Case Management

Rebuilding trust and confidence is critical in early recovery. The process is made easier by thoughtful testing and clinical support from an experienced case manager. Research shows that comprehensive monitoring (alcohol and drug testing) lowers the chance of relapse, creates accountability, and encourages positive change. For the participant, it provides proof-positive they are succeeding in their new life.

  • Comprehensive assessment for a customized program
  • SoberLink internet-connected breathalyzer
  • Affinity drug testing — thousands of sites nationwide
  • Weekly participant reports.

What happens after treatment is just as important as what happens during treatment. Our clinical case management services can be configured to include:

  • 12 Step meeting attendance
  • Outpatient therapy attendance
  • Employer-mandated services

For information on case management
call: 888-220-4400

case management with Love First leads to success in recovery.

Getting Started:

 We begin with a comprehensive assessment, obtaining a thorough history from the participant, the family, and other professionals. We utilize clinical screening instruments to measure relapse warning signs, willingness to make meaningful changes, and commit to a long-term program of recovery.

The clinical case manager acts as a champion for the newly recovering person, guiding them week-by-week in their recovery journey. Ideally, the assessment should be conducted 10 days before discharge from treatment.

Case Management with Love First includes:

  • Case management by a certified addiction professional
  • Weekly sessions with the clinical case manager
  • Guidance on relapse prevention skills and strategies
  • Quarterly relapse prevention plan, identifying and resolving triggers
  • Realistic solutions for stress, anxiety, anger, fear, etc..
  • Assistance with healthy coping skills and decision-making
  • Updates and guidance for family members

We can also provide court and/or employer reports, if necessary. Our case managers can also monitor outpatient treatment compliance, medications, and other custom requirements.

For information on case management
call: 888-220-4400

Case management builds trust and confidence
Note: The cost of the Soberlink device and subscription, along with individual drug tests through Affinity, are separate from the cost of the Clinical Case Management program. We utilize these companies’ technologies and services to help ensure accurate data collection. We receive no compensation from them.

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Structured Family Recovery®

Based on the book, “It Takes a Family,”  SFR helps build a culture of recovery in the family. Success requires going on the journey together, and SFR provides the directions.

It Takes a Family, 2nd ed., by Debra Jay

“Debra Jay unlocks the secrets of this revolutionary approach to addiction…focusing on the role of the family and in making it work, long term.”

Robert L. DuPont, M.D.
1st Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse

Copyright © 2000-2025 Love First, Inc. All rights reserved. Amazon links are affiliate links. ••• Structured Family Recovery® is a Registered Trademark of Debra Jay.